Social Media for 
Solutions Journalism

Research, Reportage, Design
Spring 2023

Our class at NYU’s Studio 20 created a guidebook for telling solutions journalism stories on social media. Under the guidance of professor Kathryn Thier, our research involved interviewing experts in solutions journalism, researching the affordances and limitations of individual social media platforms and producing stories of our own to be published on social media.

My story covered the conversion of hotels into affordable housing in New York City, and was told in the form of a Twitter thread. I took into consideration the audiences that were most likely to be on Twitter and how the platform encourages its users to interact with information. 

We presented our guidebook and findings to the founders of the Solutions Journalism Network at the end of the semester. Our project was well-received and was included in the SJN’s newsletter and posted on their social media pages soon after.

Guidebook site:

Platform guideline slideshows:

Twitter thread: